Sushmita Sen Opens Up About Rumors and Responds to ‘Gold Digger’ Accusations: ‘I’m Happily Single!’

Sushmita Sen, the actress, went through some health issues earlier this year, but now she is doing well and actively promoting her new show called “Taali,” directed by Ravi Jadhav, a National award-winning director. Apart from her work, she made headlines last year when Lalit Modi, the controversial businessman and cricket administrator who founded the Indian Premier League (IPL), claimed that he was dating Sushmita and they would get married soon.

After Lalit’s claims, Sushmita faced criticism on social media, with some calling her a “gold digger.” She responded to these accusations in an Instagram post, defending herself. Recently, she spoke up about the incident, stating that her personal life is nobody’s business. In an interview with Zoom Entertainment, she mentioned that insults only matter if you let them affect you, and she chooses not to be affected by such negativity. She also emphasized that certain aspects of her life should be private and not subject to public scrutiny.

Sushmita also addressed rumors about her relationship with her ex-boyfriend, Rohman Shawl, stating that they remain friends even after their breakup last year. She clarified that she is currently single and focusing on herself.

Last year, Lalit Modi had shared pictures of himself with Sushmita from their holiday, indicating they were in a relationship. However, Sushmita had kept silent about the matter until trolls started targeting her online. She explained in the interview that she responds to issues when she feels it is necessary and takes her time to think things through before reacting.

In summary, Sushmita Sen is in good health and busy with her new show. She addressed the controversy surrounding her personal life and asserted that she will respond on her terms and when she deems it appropriate.

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